Tag: check-in
Ready to spice up your Meetings?
If you don’t have a problem or crisis or decision to make, you actually don’t need a meeting. In an agile context it’s common to work in teams. We need the know-how and the creativity of each team member to do the next valuable step that tackles the user problem we are currently facing (or…
Instant Feedback Meeting Artefacts
What are Instant Feedback Meeting Artefacts (IFMAs)? IFMAs are artefacts that help meetings to get instant feedback in meetings from participants. Why would you use IFMAs? All participants should feel responsible for a successful and meaningful meeting; it is not the sole responsibility of the meeting moderator or facilitator. Most reasons why meetings do not…
“Sexy Not-So-Sexy Tasks” Retrospective Activity
In one of the last retrospectives a team member complained about the “not very sexy” tasks the team had to do. Well, we all know that life is not all beer and skittles. Nevertheless I think, the team member was actually pointing out, that the “sexiness” of tasks can have impact on the general motivation…
Check-In Activity for Agile Retrospectives
Fortunately retrospectives are already a standard at our company now. Not only our developers teams, but also our sales team, our team assistents and as of late also our management (surprisingly, the last.. :)) have regular retrospectives. Because it has become standard to have retrospectives there is also the chance of falling into a dull…