Tag: flipchart

  • DIY Flipchart for less than 15€

    Most of the or rather all Agile folks love to work with flipchart when presenting or workshoping. Some are so obsessed with the “flipchart-marker-visual-facilitation-universe” that you could think they have a Neuland tatoo. 🙂 Or they want to have a flipchart even at their home. Like me! 😉 In this post I will write about…

  • Check-In Activity for Agile Retrospectives

    Fortunately retrospectives are already a standard at our company now. Not only our developers teams, but also our sales team, our team assistents and as of late also our management (surprisingly, the last.. :)) have regular retrospectives. Because it has become standard to have retrospectives there is also the chance of falling into a dull…