Tag: game
Ready to spice up your Meetings?
If you don’t have a problem or crisis or decision to make, you actually don’t need a meeting. In an agile context it’s common to work in teams. We need the know-how and the creativity of each team member to do the next valuable step that tackles the user problem we are currently facing (or…
Instant Feedback Meeting Artefacts
What are Instant Feedback Meeting Artefacts (IFMAs)? IFMAs are artefacts that help meetings to get instant feedback in meetings from participants. Why would you use IFMAs? All participants should feel responsible for a successful and meaningful meeting; it is not the sole responsibility of the meeting moderator or facilitator. Most reasons why meetings do not…
#p4a14 – Play 4 Agile – My Highlights
For the third time in a row I had the pleasure to participate at Play 4 Agile (Un-)Conference at Rückersbach. Three years ago Play 4 Agile 2012 was my first experience with Open Space technology and even my first encounter with the Agile “Play” Community. (Thanks to Sebs for introducing me back then!) In review…
Gamestroming Retreat
We need to collaborate more within our teams, with our managers and with our customers. Books like Gamestorming (David Gray) and Innovation Games (Luke Hohmann) or websites like GoGameStorm.com and InnovationGames.com foster fresh practices for facilitating innovations when gathering in meetings or workshops with others. Last week-end I took part in a Gamestorming Retreat at The…
Learning Playfully: Kanban Lead Time, Spectral Analysis Chart, Service Level Agreement
Some team members are at war with Kanban metrics (and probably other metrics): What are Lead and Cycle Time for? What does a Spectral Analysis Chart (SAC) show? Why should we care at all about a Service Level Agreement (SLA)? (Especially when there are so many dependencies with other teams.) You can always quote David…