Category: Scrumban

  • Check-In Activity for Agile Retrospectives

    Fortunately retrospectives are already a standard at our company now. Not only our developers teams, but also our sales team, our team assistents and as of late also our management (surprisingly, the last.. :)) have regular retrospectives. Because it has become standard to have retrospectives there is also the chance of falling into a dull…

  • Soft Agile Transition: Slowly from nowhere to Scrum

    Lean Thinking is what I’m trying to learn and adopt at the moment. What a perfect coincidence that I stumbled over Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum from Craig Larman and Bas Vodde. On page 54 they describe Kaizen, one of the crucial Lean Principles, as a plausible “inspect…

  • Visualizing Kanban Lead Time

    Measuring the lead time is one of the three core means of Kanban (next to Workflow visualization and WIP limitation).  But whereas Workflow visualization and WIP limitation are easy to understand for the team, I experienced that nobody really cares about what to do with Measuring the Lead Time. This week I tried a different…

  • A Burndown Chart is much more than Traffic Lights

    This post is a wonderful example of me being a project manager struggling to become an agile coach: As a project manager I loved to show the status of a project via traffic lights (see image below). I always pinned those traffic lights on the team board and every developer could move his or her…

  • 3 Retrospectives in 2 Days

    Last week I had retrospectives with three different agile teams within 2 days. I love retrospectives and a retrospective meeting is one of the first agile things I try to establish when I start working with a team. Every team needs to get used to the advantages of retrospectives though… The agenda for retrospectives always…